Let me give you and idea of what the test is about.
In this test, I'm calling an API that basically generates a file and an item in a DynamoDB table. The response the service, gives me the UUID that I use to look into the DB and check that everything is created correctly.
However, I cannot do the teardown in fixture because the uuid I need to delete item in dynamo is generated in the test. Right now, I'm deleting the item in the test but I wanted to do it in the fixture but I'm not sure if its possible to pass this uuid to the fixture.
Any suggestions or ideas?
def prepare_test(self):
body = open(self._filepath, "r")
yield body
def test_post_template_tyc_happy_path(self, prepare_test):
body = prepare_test
response_body = self._tyc_api.post_template_contract(body.read(), header, 'LOAN', 'GOBIERNO', 'AUTOMATED_QA_TEST')
result_dynamo = self._tyc_crud.find_contract_by_product_id_and_tac_version_id_async(response_body['productId'], response_body['tacVersionId'])
assert response_body['productId'] == 'LOAN'
assert response_body['tacVersionId'][:-36] == 'GOBIERNO#'
assert response_body['description'] == 'AUTOMATED_QA_TEST'
assert response_body['isLastVersion'] is True
assert result_dynamo.description == 'AUTOMATED_QA_TEST'
assert result_dynamo.tac_id == 'GOBIERNO'
self.delete_test_data(response_body['productId'], response_body['tacVersionId'])
def delete_test_data(self, product_id, tac_version_id):
self._tyc_crud.delete_contract_by_product_id_and_tac_version_id(product_id, tac_version_id)
Thanks!文章源自玩技e族-https://www.playezu.com/179287.html 文章源自玩技e族-https://www.playezu.com/179287.html